High-End Gifts for Guitar Players

What do you get for the guitar player who has everything? Well, you can always get them another guitar, but if you are going to give a guitar in the form of a gift, you can't just go pick one off the shelf. A great idea for a guitar gift is to purchase a custom guitar for someone before it is built, and then give the gift of being able to help design, consult, and even stop by the shop as the custom guitar is brought to life.

Hiring a Luthier

Many talented guitar luthiers (that's what people who build guitars are called) are accustomed to working in the high-end market, as many of the best guitars can go for several thousand dollars. If you have a person in your life who would appreciate a fine custom guitar the way an art collector appreciates a one-of-a-kind painting, try to find them a luthier who is great to work with, and who is knowledgeable about all aspects of guitar making. The gift you end up giving will result in a guitar, but it's really about the experience of having the guitar made. Guitar players go crazy for that sort of thing, and as a gift, it's a truly high-end and original idea.

Private House Concert From a Talented Guitar Artists

If you have the money to spend, you can create a memorable and intimate evening by having a respected artist perform in your home. The great thing about guitar players is that their taste in music tends to be broad, so there are many artists who are not necessarily the type who play sports arenas, who may be among the favorites of your gift-receiving partner.

If your person truly loves guitar artists, you can find someone who is widely known in guitar-playing circles like Geoff Achison, who do private bookings and can put on an amazing acoustic show right in your house. Just imagine how many points you'll get for originality by coming up with a gift like that!

Wooden Guitar Stands

On the lower end of the expensive scale, there are always toys and gadgets that can be added to the collection of a guitar aficionado that will enhance their hobby. True, most guitar players buy the things they need, but there are always areas where they can upgrade or replace things with something finer or better.

For example, most guitar players probably have a handful of guitar stands, and many of them own some of those generic three-legged things that they probably bought many years ago. Stands are functional, but they can also be beautiful and have a design impact on the living space where the guitars are kept. A great gift idea is a natural hardwood guitar stand, which can add an artistic statement to what is also a functional necessity for displaying instruments outside of their cases.

Looking for a Custom Acoustic Guitar Luthier?

Lichty Guitars makes some of the most stunning and sonically incredible acoustic guitars you'll see anywhere. Check out Lichty Guitars here: Custom Guitar Luthier

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joel_M._Dailey